On October 8th, 2020, USCIS announced that E-Verify is working on an initiative to decrease the number of duplicate cases and provided a table comparing current features with future program updates. USCIS anticipates a March 2021 implementation date and is seeking feedback regarding the changes. The table below compares current features and future program enhancements.

Current Program Features

Future Program Enhancements

Duplicate case check only looks at the Social Security number.

Expand the list of enumerators to identify additional duplicate cases.

Duplicate case check only displays 10 duplicate cases at a time.

Expand the parameter so all duplicate cases are displayed.


User cannot close a case in the SCAN_AND_UPLOAD status.

Allow user to close the case in the SCAN_AND_UPLOAD status. User will be able to retrieve appropriate closure reasons at this time.

User may continue a case if an open duplicate case exists.

Prevents user from creating a new case if an open duplicate case for the same employee already exists.

The look-back period is 30 federal government work days.

Expands the look-back period to 180 federal government work days to identify additional duplicate cases that were not previously identified.


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