On a monthly basis, the DOS Liaison Committee performs check-ins with a representative from the DOS. For May 2019, the question asked was regarding the EB-3 Worldwide visa; specifically predictions on whether or not its usage will increase and category will remain current for the remainder of the fiscal year. The DOS’s initial answer is that the EB-3 Worldwide will remain current if the demand levels stay constant or decrease. If the demand becomes higher, however, a final action date may be necessary in order to hold number use within the annual limit. Recently, the demand for family-based (FB) preference categories has been low. This has resulted in rapid acceleration towards Final Action Dates. Despite this, the demand level has not increased. In regards to specific locations, FB Mexico categories have moved minimally this year, due to the high demand from USCIS. The DOS predicts little, if any, movement on this category for the remainder of the fiscal year. Other DOS predictions regarding FB preference categories:

• FB-3 Philippines and FB-4 Philippines continue to advance at a rapid pace
• F-2B Philippines will continue at its current pace
• FB-1 Worldwide will advance up to five (5) weeks at a time
• F-2B Worldwide will advance up to two (2) months at a time
• FB-4 Worldwide will advance up to six (6) weeks at a time
• F-2A Worldwide will be current for the month July 2019 and at least through September 2019
• The demand level for F-2A Worldwide is too low to require a Final Action Date implantation

In regards to employment-based (EB) preference categories, the DOS was concerned that the annual number usage might be significantly lower than the annual limit, based off of the number use through the first half of the 2018 fiscal year. However, the number doubled in mid-April 2018, forcing the imposition of a Final Action Date for EB-1 Worldwide and EB-2 Worldwide. The demand for EB-1 Worldwide remains steady, and the DOS does not see it returning to its “current” status for the foreseeable future. Other DOS predictions regarding EB preference categories:

• EB-1 India will not advance again this fiscal year; should return to a Final Action Date of February 22, 2017, to be announced in October 2019
• EB-1 China is expected to advance to May 8, 2017 in the July 2019 bulletin
• EB-2 Worldwide is expected to remain current during this fiscal year; certain downgrades are contributing to decreased demand for this category
• EB-2 China will advance to November 1, 2016 in the July 2019 bulletin; this category advances quickly due to low demand, and could slow if demand increases
• EB-2 India will continue to advance very slowly, in daily or even weekly movements; there are 14,000 Indians with pending adjustment of status applications dating back to as early as 2012, however, due to the decreased demand of EB-2 Worldwide, advancement of this date may be possible during the summer
• EB-3 Worldwide is expected to remain current during this fiscal year, and not expected to need a Final Action Date later in the year
• EB-3 China should advance to January 1, 2016, announced in July 2019; demand is beginning to increase in this category, but if the demand in EB-2 China remains constant, some of those numbers could possibly shift to EB-3 China
• EB-3 India’s Final Action Date will hold in July 2019; the DOS is not clear on when this category will move forward or how long applicants might have to wait
• EB-3 Philippines will become current in July 2019
• EB-3 Mexico will remain current in July 2019
• EB-4 for most countries will remain current
• EB-4 categories that will not remain current are EB-4 El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras, and EB-4 Mexico; these categories are predicted to have a Final Action Date of July 1, 2016 in July 2019, and should hold this date through the fiscal year, making advancement easier on Special Immigrant Juvenile cases

• EB-5