The Nachman Phulwani Zimovcak (NPZ) Law Office Applauds The Introduction of a Bi-Partisan Senate Immigration Reform Bill.

April 18, 2013 – Ridgewood, New Jersey – The Nachman Phulwani Zimovcak (NPZ) Law Group, applauds the “Gang of Eight” Senators who have introduced the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Modernization Act.” The Senators and their staff have been working tirelessly, for months, to create a bi-partisan solution that attempts to fix our broken immigration system.

Following Senator Rubio’s appearance on 7 talk shows this past Sunday, Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ), a member of the Gang of Eight, announced the components of the Bill in a teleconference yesterday. Mr. Nachman met on Capitol Hill with Senator Menendez’s staff (and other Congressmen) to discuss immigration reform late last week. The Senate is to be commended for having the courage to lean into this difficult issue and bring forth a detailed and comprehensive proposal. In addition, labor and business groups should be acknowledged for their role in negotiating, in advance, some of the toughest sticking points to help ensure a smooth path through Congress.

One of NPZ’s Managing Immigration Attorneys, David Nachman, Esq. states: “The introduction of this bipartisan legislation shows that there is a change in the disruptive political thought process that has been at play for many years over the immigration issue. The fact that the two parties are seriously negotiating a “comprehensive bill” as to a piece meal introduction of bills shows that immigration reform may become a reality in 2013″.

In the coming days and weeks as the bill is analyzed and debated, there will be many who criticize both the policy remedies in the bill, as well as the sheer length of the legislation. It is important to keep in mind, however, that developing a comprehensive solution requires striking a delicate balance between a diverse cross section of stakeholders and impacted constituencies.

Furthermore, the dysfunctional system that we have developed over the past two decades is in dire need of deep and precise reforms. While there will be fair criticisms of some of the bill’s contents it is important to keep the spirit of the debate productive and to ensure room for compromise.

Michael Phulwani, another of the Firm’s Managing Immigration Lawyers states: “There will be “gives” and “takes” to establish a bill the President can sign but, in the end, the bill is all about dealing with “all” of the issues and providing a workable immigration law for the future of our nation. In the end, it will be all about compromise on the immigration issue which will strengthen the leadership positions of both parties”.

The Senate has been working for months and the country has been waiting for years for this kind of broad and deep immigration reform legislation. Introduction of this bill will launch a critical debate on how best to reform our broken immigration system.

The Senators are confronting the critical immigration challenges we face and are due a great deal of credit. There is much more work ahead but our hope is that all members of Congress will set aside old thinking and divisions and do what is right for American families, workers, and businesses.

We look forward to th