Navigating Post-H-1B Lottery Challenges: Canadian Relocation Alternatives

The announcement of the H-1B visa lottery results often marks a period of uncertainty for many skilled international workers in the United States. For those not selected, the path forward may seem daunting. However, Canada emerges as a viable alternative, offering several strategic immigration options that bypass the standard labor market verification processes.

Canadian Immigration Pathways for Unselected H-1B Candidates

Canada offers a variety of work permits that do not require an LMIA, presenting a valuable alternative for individuals who were not selected in the H-1B lottery. These permits can help smooth the transition for workers seeking to remain in North America. Here are two key categories:

Intra-Company Transfers (ICT): Ideal for employees who work at companies with a footprint in Canada, including branches or affiliates. This option is tailored for those holding managerial or executive roles, or who have specialized knowledge crucial to their company’s operations. The ICT permits employees to relocate to their company’s Canadian entity without undergoing a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA).

C20 International Mobility Program: This category benefits individuals whose work in Canada would reciprocally support significant economic or cultural gains for both countries involved. Like the ICT, it allows for LMIA-exempt entry into Canada.

Leveraging the Global Skills Strategy (GSS)

For those needing expedited processing due to impending visa expirations in the U.S., the Global Skills Strategy (GSS) can be particularly beneficial. This initiative prioritizes skilled workers, processing eligible work permit applications in just two weeks, thus facilitating a quicker transition and helping prevent potential employment gaps.

Benefits for Employers

Employers utilizing LMIA-exempt pathways can enjoy numerous advantages:

  • Project Continuity: These transfers help prevent disruptions in ongoing projects while retaining key personnel with specialized skills.
  • Expansion Opportunities: Establishing or expanding operations in Canada can be strategically beneficial, offering access to broader North American markets.
  • Streamlined Legalities: The exemption from LMIA streamlines the complex legal and administrative aspects of international transfers.


For skilled professionals in the U.S. who find themselves outside the FY2025 H-1B CAP selection, Canada’s LMIA-exempt work permits represent a viable and attractive alternative. Whether through intra-company transfers or the C20 category, these pathways ensure that companies can retain critical talent and employees can continue their careers with minimal disruption.

Contact Information

If you or your family members have any questions about how immigration and nationality laws in the United States may affect you, or if you want to access additional information about immigration and nationality laws in the United States or Canada, please do not hesitate to contact the immigration and nationality lawyers at NPZ Law Group. You can reach us by emailing or by calling us at 201-670-0006 extension 104. We also invite you to visit our website at for more information.