Help us get the word out about the March 9, 2012, automatic work authorization extension for Salvadorans with TPS!
Employers often suspend or terminate employees with Temporary Protected Status (from countries such as El Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, Nicaragua) despite the fact that these TPS individuals have had their employment authorization documents (EADs) automatically extended for six months, until September 9, 2012. Help us get the word out to human resources professionals with this video so they will know which EADs have been automatically extended for individuals from El Salvador with TPS. Spreading the word will help ensure that employers will keep their best employees, employees will keep their jobs, and TPS individuals will not complain of unfair treatment or discrimination when they are suspended.
We are the Office of Special Counsel for Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices (OSC), in the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Department of Justice. Please consider helping us get the word out about the upcoming automatic extension of work authorization for TPS individuals from El Salvador. Click here to watch the video, and please share it with your contacts who have blogs or other sites popular with human resources professionals.
For more information about OSC, visit our website, call our employer hotline at 1-800-255-8155, or sign up for a free webinar.
Thank you for helping to get the word out about TPS!
Training Employers in Employment Verification
As criminal prosecution of worksite violations increases, the Department of Homeland Security has been flooded by requests from employers seeking information about how to avoid hiring illegal aliens.
- Office of Special Counsel’s Antidiscrimination Guidance for Employers Following the DHS Safe-Harbor Procedures
NPZ Law Group: Global Mobility Attorneys
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IMAGE requires employers to submit to a Form I-9 audit and to utilize the Basic Verification Program Practice Area to verify the work authorization of all prospective employees. IMAGE appears to be another (less radical) step in the government’s “bag of tricks” to compel U.S. employer’s immigration law compliance.
Immigration Lawyers Receive Federal Training Grant
In July 2007, NPZ Law Group, received a federal grant from the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”), Office of Special Counsel for Unfair Immigration-related Employment Practices (“OSC”) in conjunction with the Employer’s Association of New Jersey (“EANJ”) to conduct training for employers in the state of New Jersey about employment eligibility verification and employer sanctions. The OSC’s training is an excellent way for employers to acquaint themselves with their Form I-9 obligations under the law.
Several organizations received similar grants, however, NPZ Law Group was the only for-profit entity among the recipients. We are proud of this recognition of our commitment to helping employers understand and comply with immigration law.
If your organization would like more information about our OSC training programs, please visit our page or contact our law firm. We would be happy to help you.